The Maldives

Before I even set foot in the Maldives, I knew it would be my favorite destination, and thus it is appropriate that I start here, one of the most isolated, untouched and delicate corners of the world. It is a place I dreamed about going and it lived up to every expectation. Photos cannot do it's a feeling and a moment that I will never forget.

Magical Spots in the Indian Ocean - I cried as we landed

The Essentials
Just coming here is essential, you can't go wrong
- Fly Emirates and connect 1 night in Dubai
- Take a seaplane if you can - breathtaking views
- Bring an underwater camera- other world! 
- Read up on the environmental challenges

Can't have a better welcome cocktail

Game Changers
Four Seasons at Landaa Giravaaru - daily juice 
- Eat dinner out in the middle of the ocean 
- Turn off all the lights and swim at night
- Just being here is a game changer

Back again soon...heart remains till then


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