UK - The Move to Europe!!!

The Move to Europe – well, the UK – since there is apparently a ridiculous battle going on. I was born in Europe, I love Europe, I always have so I am hoping someone comes to their senses and stops being dramatic. If not, onto Spain or Italy! I spent most of my life in the US, most recently NYC for 15 years, but I feel equally European at heart; it’s the culture I grew up in at home and the values I was raised with, not to mention numerous trips here visiting family and friends, studying and wandering.

Rightfully so, I have romanticized Europe in my mind my whole life- I asked my dad to help me buy an apartment in Paris when I was little – so I was actually a bit nervous what the reality of really living in London was going to be like. While it’s too early to tell for sure, I can already tell you a lot of it really is the idyllic snapshot you sneak on vacation or explore on a semester abroad.  More to come as life evolves...

London Living! 
London is NYC but greener, quieter, calmer, happier, and a lot more diverse (likewise, more expensive, inconvenient, and a lot more rainy!). Like everywhere, tradeoffs, but it’s a fairly smooth transition. The hardest part is the weather and always looking 12x different ways before crossing any street – but then you remind yourself where you are and the amazing access you have to all of Europe and Africa. That’s enough to get over anything – Bordeaux, Canary Islands, Mallorca – can’t wait!

Mini Garden growing...

In honor of the move, I have asked my dearest friend Naomi, a born Brit, to do the first official guest post to kick-off the move. Her parents live in Winchester (already posted from our visit there), but I’ll let her do the real Winchester, part 2. Enjoy!


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