Switzerland - Klosters + Davos

" Au milieu de l'hiver, j'ai découvrait en moi un invincible été"
 - Albert Camus

Storybook does exist
Back to center for 2017, beginning with the breathtaking silence on the mountain top and ending with a reminder that nature always hits reset just when you need it most. Klosters is a tiny, almost forgotten ski town adjacent to Davos, beautifully empty every January for the World Economic Forum and charming beyond words. The stunning simplicity of mountains, snow and stars reminds you to focus only on the truths that matter, with cozy fondue restaurants and local speakeasies as a nice bonus.

Best to stay off the beaten track...usually leads to the best things 
Stay at the Chesa hotel, ski, and wander about - best run is 24 with a lovely chalet to break for some sun, beers and memorable company - time can stand still long enough to acknowledge all the good the world has to offer, if only we continuously choose it and fight for it. With WEF happening next door, reminded that the coexistence of people across all nations is anchored in these same simple truths, as so eloquently expressed in TIME magazine this month and not to be forgotten.

"Ego and common interests brought these leaders together (Turkey- Russia- U.S. axis). Ego and divergent interests will push them apart, perhaps soon. That's the thing about transactional relationships. They make sense in the moment, but they're only available to those with something to bargain with. When trust, constancy and shared values are absent, the world is left to build its alliances on shifting sands." - TIME

You can take the girl out of New Hampshire...

Top 5 - save a window seat from Zurich


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