China- Beijing, Shanghai

I only have 1 rule in travel - if you know someone somewhere, go! There is nothing like the local spin - no magazine, blog, website, travel guide can ever beat it. The rest is fair game - explore to your heart's content but never pass up an opportunity to spend a few days with someone that lives and breathes it daily, especially if it's somewhere like China where English doesn't get you far. This is how we ended up in China - an incredibly memorable trip that was made that much better through the eyes of a local.

Great Wall - surreal

The Essentials: Beijing
1) Mandatory: go to a less touristy part of the Great Wall - worth it to have some solitude and a pseudo spiritual moment...and your photos are awesome! We stayed at a very modest hotel but went to book the day trip at one of the high end hotels.

2) Again, we saved on our hotel but made it a point to eat at some of the nicer hotel restaurants, Made in China being a favorite with Peking Duck. Indulged at the Peninsula Spa - a massage is nice after all the walking and the pollution is a bit brutal on the body.

Forbidden City

3) The hutong area is fascinating - you'll see some of the oldest homes and alleys in the city- and that's old. Beware of the rick-shaw tours who will drive you through this area and all around for a steep price- although it was worth it since they dropped us at this little lake area for a nice lunch (touristy yes) but still fun.
4) Spend a night out at Opposite House for dinner & drinks. It's a great boutique hotel a quick taxi ride from all the sites - great food at their restaurants, fun bar scene.

5) The Forbidden City & Tiananmen Square - the history here is tangible and powerful

6) Beijing Zoo- the pandas are impressive but zoos in general usually make me feel sorry for animals. This was a quick stop for us on the way to the Summer Palace which is a nice half day retreat for some fresher air - boat rides, gardens, it's beautiful on a nice day.

Summer Palace Boat Ride

The Essentials: Shanghai
1) We stayed with locals here so alot of places we ate, drank and saw I don't even remember the names. It's a diverse and amazing city - lots of good food, markets, shopping, artisans, and plenty to explore.
2) French Concession: Cute area for dinner & drinks- Lost Heaven was a favorite
3) Restaurants & bars on the Bund are amazing at sunset - watching the cargo boats endlessly go by is unbelievable
4) Pudong (newest area)- I'm scared of heights but the glass viewing area atop the World Financial Center is crazy and worth the adrenaline rush. The elevator ride itself is fascinating! After that, you'll need a drink- go for a late lunch and drinks at the Grand Hyatt bar Cloud 9

Shanghai- Pudong Side


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